Domestic Abuse Champions Training for Housing Practitioners

This course enables Champions to come together and reflect on their role in embedding culture change through raising awareness about domestic abuse. The training will ask Champions to consider what actions they will take to promote a coordinated response to domestic abuse.


This course will support Champions to form a strong network within their organisation and enable them to embed culture change. Champions are integral to ensuring that domestic abuse remains high on the agenda at all levels of the organisation and can be the link with partner agencies and multiagency forums. 

Over the 2 modules, Champions will be asked to reflect on actions they can take to raise awareness about domestic abuse both to their colleagues and to customers. Champions will receive a resource pack when they attend this training that includes activity ideas, links to films and key messages from the training that they can use in their role.


This course will cover

  • The role of the Champion to influence attitudes

  • Identifying the impact of victim blaming on survivors

  • A trauma-informed approach

  • Implementing and embedding your domestic abuse policy and procedure

  • Identifying your local domestic abuse expert support services

  • Safely asking and responding to disclosures of domestic abuse

Delegate Feedback: "So much food for thought as to how we can use the DA champions network, I have ideas and actions coming out of my head, can’t wait to get started!" 


Before you book

Before DAHA can deliver the Domestic Abuse Champions Training for Housing Practitioners course, we require that the following things are in place:

  • You have a written role description for your Domestic Abuse Champions
  • You have identified someone internally to support and lead your Champion network and facilitate reflection and action planning sessions 
  • You have recruited your Champion Network which reflects the size of your organisation and includes a range of teams and grades/levels of seniority.
  • You have a customer domestic abuse policy and procedure (this can be in draft format)
  • All Champions have received appropriate domestic abuse awareness training and are confident to explain the dynamics of coercive control (this is not included in the course)
  • The person/people leading the Champion network must attend the training

We recommend you review our Frequently Asked Questions document to understand if our Domestic Abuse Champions Training for Housing Practitioners is the appropriate course for your cohort of delegates.

Are you a DAHA Member?
 If you have any questions about the above requirements, please contact your Regional Lead. We cannot discuss training dates until these requirements are met. 

Please note – this Domestic Abuse Champions Training for Housing Practitioners is available to non-DAHA members, however, we will still need the following requirements to be met to ensure your Domestic Abuse Champion Network is robust and well supported. 

Learning objectives

Module One - Influencing Attitudes

By the end of this session, delegates will be able to:

  • Consider how a Champion can influence attitudes about domestic abuse
  • Identify the impact victim blaming has on victim/survivors and reframe victim-blaming statements
  • Give examples of a trauma-informed approach

Module Two - Implementing an Effective Response

By the end of this session, delegates will be able to:

  • Be confident to implement your organisation’s domestic abuse policy and procedure
  • Signpost and promote specialist DA support services and referral pathways available to survivors, children, and perpetrators
  • Reflect on the Champions role in promoting   a safe and effective response to domestic abuse

DAHA recommends that Champions schedule a meeting (facilitated internally) to allow champions to read and review their organisation’s domestic abuse policy and procedure prior to attending Module 2. It is best practice for the champions to have regular opportunities to meet, review action plans and participate in reflective practice sessions (ideally held in partnership with your specialist domestic abuse provider). 

Who is this course for?

- New or established domestic abuse champions networks within housing organisations

- Champions who have already attended domestic abuse awareness training and understand the DA Act and the dynamics of coercive control and its impacts on survivor/victims

- Housing Association or Local Authorities


It is essential all delegates have attended domestic abuse awareness training to understand the dynamics and impact of coercive control prior to attending the Champion training. DAHA can provide a learning needs checklist to help you assess the training needs of your Champions. We can offer an additional half-day course Domestic Abuse Awareness: A Foundation in Coercive Control to upskill or refresh Champions if requested.

If you have a very experienced and well-established Champions network – please request a chat with our Training Team to check this course is appropriately pitched for your network. 


Live online training delivered via Zoom using Mentimeter

Course Timings

This course contains 2 Modules and is 7 hours long (split over 2 sessions)

This includes comfort breaks, space for questions and time for the delegates to evaluate and reflect after the delivery

What will delegates receive as part of this course?

DAHA Delegate Pack (Includes activity workbook, key messages from training, links to films shown in the course, domestic abuse directory and toolkits)

Champion Recourse Pack (Includes suggested actions and activities domestic abuse champions can use in their organisations)

‘Conversation kit’ for safely asking customers about domestic abuse

CPD Certificate

Costs and Cancellations

Public Sector/Statutory Local Authorities: £2000

DAHA Member Discount: £1800

 All fees are for up to 20 delegates (minimum 6 delegates to run a course).

 DAHA prefer to cap attendance at 20 to ensure all delegates feel able to fully engage. However, we can accommodate a maximum of 5 additional delegates upon request. Each additional delegate will incur a fee of £100

DAHA training courses are exempt from VAT

(As this course is centred on forming a Champion Network within one organisation, we do not offer this course as an Open Course)

Cancellations post-agreement

Please refer to the terms and conditions before you book

How does this fit with DAHA Accreditation?

Are you a DAHA member?

DAHA membership discount on Group Bookings = 10% Accredited/Accreditation Members and 5% Affiliated Members

This course supports DAHA Members to meet the Staff Development & Support Priority Area

Standard 3: Enhanced staff learning and development

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