Domestic Abuse Training for Homelessness Support Settings & Rough Sleeping Teams

This course is specifically for homelessness support settings and rough sleeping teams in the charity/voluntary sector


The course will explore the complexities of identifying and responding to domestic abuse in homelessness settings, where survivors and perpetrators are likely to be experiencing homelessness, substance use, poor mental health etc, alongside domestic abuse.

The course will cover:

  • Dynamics of domestic abuse and coercive control
  • The stereotypes of domestic abuse
  • The impact of perpetrator tactics
  • Domestic abuse & multiple disadvantage
  • How to recognise the red flags of risk
  • How to effectively respond to domestic abuse in homelessness settings

Learning objectives

Module One - Foundation in dynamics of domestic abuse

By the end of this session, delegates will be able to:

  • Describe the dynamics of domestic abuse and identify coercive and controlling behaviours
  • Recognise victim/survivors who do not fit the stereotypes of domestic abuse
  • State who is most likely to be subjected to domestic abuse and why this issue is relevant to housing and homelessness providers
  • Explain the impact a perpetrator’s tactics have on survivor/victims


Module Two - Recognising barriers to support and responding to domestic abuse

By the end of this session, delegates will be able to:

  • Feel confident to safely start conversations about domestic abuse, bearing in mind the barriers and challenges faced by survivors experiencing multiple disadvantage.
  • Give a helpful response whether a survivor is ready to take action around abuse or not.
  • Determine if the red flags of risk are present and put a risk management plan in place; this includes making referrals to appropriate services and multi-agency forums. 

Who is this course for?

Frontline homelessness professionals who are working with survivor/victims experiencing multiple disadvantages, across a range of homelessness support settings e.g:

  • Professionals working in homelessness hostels
  • Housing First teams
  • Homelessness outreach teams
  • Assessment centres 

Please note – this course is not suitable for local authority housing options teams, lettings/housing officers etc. This content is tailored towards professionals working in dedicated homelessness support settings.




Live online training is delivered via Zoom using Mentimeter


In-person delivery in London only

Please note: the course venue must be supplied by the organisation making the booking.

Course Timings

This course contains 2 Modules and is 7 hours long in total

This includes a comfort break, space for questions and time for the delegates to evaluate and reflect after the delivery.

What will delegates receive as part of this course?

  • DAHA Delegate Pack (Includes activity workbook, key messages from training, links to films shown in the course, domestic abuse directory and toolkits)
  • A copy of the slides 

Costs and Cancellations

Third Sector/Voluntary/Charity: 

Virtual/online: £1250

DAHA Member: £1125

In-person: £1500* (up to 25 delegates)

DAHA Member: £1350

*Cost includes course facilitator travel expenses


Public Sector/Statutory (Local Authorities):

Virtual/online: £2000   

DAHA Members: £1800


All online training fees are for up to 20 delegates (minimum 6 delegates to run a course).

DAHA prefer to cap online attendance at 20 to ensure all delegates feel able to fully engage. However, we can accommodate a maximum of 5 additional delegates upon request at a cost of £65 pp.

DAHA training courses are exempt from VAT


Cancellations post-agreement
Please refer to the terms and conditions within the website before you book

How does this fit with DAHA Accreditation?

Are you a DAHA member?

DAHA membership discount on Group Bookings = 10% Accredited/Accreditation Members and 5% Affiliated Members

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