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What Is Trauma Informed Training?

DAHA is committed to creating principled training spaces

We know domestic abuse is extremely common and can be difficult to discuss, especially when you have your own lived experience of it. We will give all delegates the opportunity to step back from the course at any time and prioritise their own well-being. We feel it is important for managers to support delegates after attending a domestic abuse training course and ask providers to commit to this when they commission training from us.

What to expect from attending one of our courses?

We start the training by reassuring delegates that they can turn their camera off, and step back from the training at any time during the delivery should they need to. We explain the content of all videos before we show them and do not show anything graphic. We share helpline numbers at the end of the course and always remind delegates that they can message us or their manager for support.

We use Mentimeter to allow delegates to engage anonymously during the course and we do not put people on the spot to answer questions. We know that attending training on domestic abuse can be difficult for different people for many reasons. We are proud that the feedback forms often comment on how safe delegates with lived experience of domestic abuse felt during DAHA training:

"I felt using Mentimeter was really useful and a better way of engaging with the training without the fear of talking in a large group - which can cause people to feel anxious - I engaged more due to menti"


“It’s a difficult topic as many of us may have experienced abuse at some time. I thought that this was very well presented.”


"Trainers were sensitive to equality and very sensitive to introduce videos whilst being aware there may be survivors or current victims. Excellent"

We encourage all delegates to read and complete our pre-course survey, which explains what to expect in the course. Managers/course organisers are urged to forward this information onto delegates as well.

If you do have any questions or concerns, please do reach out to us directly via daha_training@standingtogether.org.uk